Family Approach

The child and his family are involved in the interview meeting; a child is admitted only if he and his family agree. During the intake, families and children are asked to state their own goals and expectations for their child and for themselves. The strengths of the child and his family are identified.
Treatment Plan
Families are involved in the development, implementation, review and modification of Treatment Plans.
Meetings and Decision Making
Families are invited to all meetings. They are asked to express priorities and concerns.
Services provided
Every family is periodically reminded of and encouraged to take advantage of the services available: family therapy, parenting groups, in-home services (counseling, role modeling, advocating, etc.), sibling therapy, supervised visits, parental education, etc. Assistance to families is available on nights and weekends.
Visits and family contacts
Pine Haven works with the family to maintain (or to attain) the optimal connection among family members, regardless of whether or not the plan for the child is to return home. Contacts (visits, vacations, special events, telephone calls, letters, etc.) are encouraged.